
Experts from France & Romania visit NOA: exchange of practices at the European level

As an active member of the European Network of Microfinance, NOA is visited from time to time by various experts of the sector in order to present to the best practices at the level of the European level.
As part of this already consolidated tradition, two parallel teams from financial institutions Adie (France) and Patria Credit (Romania) visited Albania and NOA.

During the visit, various technical meetings were organized at the level of the central offices of NOA, as well as field visits on various topics that affect from technological systems, risk procedures to communication or recruitment strategies.

Recently expanded to the territory of Kosovo, NOA is identified in the European microfinance market with security and service quality standards that enable customized financing in a few hours, for farmers and small entrepreneurs from every region of the country, for values ​​up to 150,000 euros. Also, the investment of recent years in the introduction of new technologies is considered an innovation that differentiates NOA from classic microfinance institutions.

With 25 years of activity, NOA's activity is based on a national network and a team of 320 employees who serve around 15,000 customers every year. Driven by the values ​​of a #HumanFinance, NOA is intensively engaged in promoting transparency, pro-activity and adaptation to every financial need of the communities it serves. It is precisely this geographical extent and these guiding values ​​that make NOA a representative and leader of Albanian microfinance in the region and beyond.

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